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Tina Bernadette Angerer

Tina Bernadette Angerer received her Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2017 from the University of Gothenburg. Her project focused on method optimization for organic and biological analysis with ToF-SIMS, covering single celled organisms, polymers, brain sections and breast cancer. (Google Scholar:; Thesis:

Tina received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Molecular Biology from the University of Salzburg and the Johannes Kepler University in Linz in a joint study program. For her master’s thesis she studied translation changes in yeast mutants. (Publication: doi:10.1038/ncomms7158)

Tina joined NESAC/BIO as a postdoc in the Spring of 2017. She is currently working on lipid characterization of Dugesia dorotocephala, a planarian worm with extraordinary regenerative abilities.