Read this first

Below you will find links to tutorials about the spectragui, the main program for MVA of spectra in the NB toolbox.

I have taken a lot of time creating step by step tutorials on how to use each function within the spectragui.

You must go through all tutorials in order to use the spectra gui properly.

The tutorials are available as pdf downloads. Each tutorials will take you step by step

through how to use the functions of the gui.

NOTE: Please remove all '-' and '+' signs from any peak labels and filenames you include in your exported peak area tables. If you leave the symbols in the import script will fail and you will not be able to read your data into the spectragui. I am working on a fix for this. In general it is best if you avoid using symbols in any variable or label name when using Matlab.

spectragui tutorials

Updated Tutorials for V2.8!

These tutorials were created from screen shots that are 1198x938 pixels.
They should work fine on any modern computer monitor.

You can download all of the pdf tutorials in a zip file or view/save each of the individually. To view a pdf tutorial
click on the link. To save, right-click and choose 'save as'.

If you are going to use the standalone version please see this tutorial NBToolbox Standalone - Important Information

Download all spectragui pdf tutorials in a zip file

1 General Introduction - pdf

2 Import Iontof data table - pdf

3 Import PHI data table - pdf

4 Import data from workspace - pdf

5 Create sample names - pdf

6 Data normalization - pdf

7 Running PCA - pdf

8 Plotting scores with 95% confidence limits - pdf

9 Plotting and labeling loadings - pdf

10 Exporting data to text files - pdf

11 Removing spectra from a matrix - pdf

12 Removing peaks from a matrix - pdf

13 Reorganizing/subdividing a matrix - pdf

14 Plotting peak area data - pdf

15 Making multiple peak area plots - pdf

16 Running DPCA - pdf

17 Projecting data into a PCA model - pdf

18 Peak Ratio Maker - pdf

19 Import PHI Peak area data from Job Wizard - pdf

20 Find Correlated Peaks - pdf

21 PC Data Browswer - pdf